
I am always asked how did a good little southern girl from the bible belt grow up to become a professional psychic?  The truth is that no child dreams of growing up to become a professional psychic.  Especially one from a large and deeply religious family such as mine.  But everyone in my family is psychic.   We all see ghosts or spirit.  And for the most part we have all learned to ignored them as best we could.

Psychic Sharon SampselBut in my late twenties I decided to learn how to meditate.  I was going through a difficult divorce and wanted to find some emotional balance.   Little did I know how much this would change my life.  I don’t know who was more surprised me or my teacher the first time I grounded and found my way into my body.  That simple act brought my psychic abilities into full focus.
At first all I wanted was to be able to live with my psychic gifts.  But after a few years of learning how to master and control my abilities I was asked by spirit to do this work.  And I have been doing it ever since.
I believe that a good professional psychic uses their gifts to help you find your answers for your life.  Ultimately it is all about you and you making choices that work for you.  As a psychic I am not there to impress you but to tell you what I see in what ever area of your life that you want me to focus on.  After all it is your reading and you deserve clear and honest answers.  
I believe in spirit and free will.  It is my goal to help you achieve your desires and navigate through your challenges.  
Blessings, Sharon